
Christmas Special: 5% off 12 or more individual cans - 10% off 24 or more individual cans.

Christmas Special: 5% off 12 or more individual cans - 10% off 24 or more individual cans.

New Beer Alert – Low Visibility

Kicking us off for this Tryanuary month is

LOW VISIBILITY – 4.5 abv – Hazy Session Pale

The dual meaning behind this beer name is in reference to the low visibility that can be encountered when admiring views from our beloved Quantock Hills. Also the gorgeous pale haze this beer proudly shows off.

Our infamous house pale ale base , together with our favourite IPA yeast and a satisfying duo of American hops brings a beer that boasts masses of tropical and citrus flavours and aroma.

Available NOW in Can via our shop/websit

Swing by the brewery for a Fresh pint in cask from our legendary Taproom


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